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Showing posts from January, 2012

A Healthy Heart

Heard an excellent sermon on a Healthy Heart. "What you fill your mind with, will form your thoughts and whatever you thoughts are, they will forge in your life your behaviour, and where your behaviour goes, will form your fruit." Pastor Robbie Simmons. This is such a simplistic principle, but so logical and true. How many times have you harboured anger and resentment against someone and when you meet the person, you blurt out what is really on your mind? You harbour hateful thoughts, you live a hateful life. The renewal of my mind is absolutely fundamental to my heart. Let's face it - our hearts are very scheming, deceitful places. We may try to look and sound good and sanctimonious but deep down we are not good. Romans 12:1-2 tells us:  Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual [ a ] act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but b...

Coming "home"

This is our third day in Goa. Coming "home" to the land of my birth is somehow compelling and always interesting. Childishly I want to come back to what I left and of course it is not the same.The things that have not changed (aka the things that I love!!) Waking up to the sounds of the cawing of the crows, the cuckoo and the familiar horn of the poder (breadman), He does use a motorised bike now instead of a cycle but the horn is the same. The familiar foliage of the sweet smelling champak, the mogra, the tulsi and the swaying coconut palms. The sosegad (easy going, chill, lazy, happy go lucky, whatever...) Goan The almost overwhelming hospitality of family and friends. The constant unstoppable breaking of the waves on the beautiful shoreline of Goa. Reminds me of God speaking in Job 38: Who shut up the sea behind doors ... when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place,  when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud w...

Thoughts from Mumbai

Back in Mumbai after a  year and a half and as always it is such an amazing (for want of a better word) expereience. It seems like it gets more and more crowded. Everytime I come back I think that there is no more room - every inch of space must be taken u p with people and cars, but no - it gets more crowded! A taxi ride is indescribable - cars honking and driving within a couple of inches of each other. We seem to have spent a lot of time in taxis and have had many very interesting conversations with the drivers. The conversations always get very deep very quickly - questions of life, its futility , the hopelessness of it... we have been able to share our lives and our faith with many of them . More on this later. My time at the computer is up and there is someone waiting to chech his mail. Will be back!