On my journey with Jesus I camped in Luke 9 this past week. Jesus is making His way to Jerusalem. It is nearing time for Him to go to the cross. He knows full well what this is going to be. Luke describes it: "When the days drew near for him to be taken up he set his face to go to Jerusalem." Jesus was determined to accomplish what He had come to do - no matter how difficult. The prophet Isaiah tells us that He set his "face like a flint." 50:7. Loved one as you look at Jesus, are you filled with that same resolve? To set your face like flint and press on? When trials come do you ask God to take them away? Of course we can ask Our Heavenly Father to take our trials away. We can bring all our prayer requests to Him - He actually knows our desires and requests better than we do. He loves us and He cares deeply. For some though this is not a request you can ask for. The deed is done - it cannot be reversed. Julius is gone - not even God is going to ...