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Showing posts from February, 2014

"...the people did not receive Him." Luke 9:53

On my journey with Jesus I camped in Luke 9 this past week. Jesus is making His way to Jerusalem. It is nearing time for Him to go to the cross. He knows full well what this is going to be. Luke describes it: "When the days drew near for him to be taken up he set his face to go to Jerusalem."  Jesus was determined to accomplish what He had come to do - no matter how difficult. The prophet Isaiah tells us that He set his "face like a flint." 50:7.  Loved one as you look at Jesus, are you filled with that same resolve? To set your face like flint and press on? When trials come do you ask God to take them away? Of course we can ask Our Heavenly Father to take our trials away. We can bring all our prayer requests to Him - He actually knows our desires and requests better than we do. He loves us and He cares deeply. For some though this is not a request you can ask for. The deed is done - it cannot be reversed. Julius is gone - not even God is going to ...

..."I love you..." Is 43:4

Valentine's Day 2013. Sweet memories of Julius. Rushing home from work to go to Date Night at church. Forever romantic, bringing us girls flowers and chocolates. That sweet and gentle smile... Today is another painful "first." Dear Reader, are you in a painful place today? You have read and looked at reminders of valentine's day for weeks now - actually soon after Christmas was over? The world is telling you that if you do not have that special valentine you are somehow the less? Are you feeling ashamed that you have no plans for this evening? You are told that your ultimate goal in life is to be in a relationship - married or engaged? Loved one look at the One who promised to love you and followed up with His promise. He said He loved you so much He was prepared to die for you and He did. He did not hold it against you that you were rebellious and far from Him - He still died for you. Believe Him when He says that He is coming back for you - He is preparing a man...

(they) told Him all...Luke 9:10

Tomorrow will be 9 months. Desperate this morning for a word from the Lord, I landed in Luke 9:10.   " On their return the apostles told him all that they had done. The apostles had just come back from a missions trip that Jesus had sent them on. He had equipped them with power and authority to heal and to proclaim the kingdom of God. He had also given them specific instructions on how to travel, where to stay, how long to stay etc. And now they are back and the Word says that they told him all they had done. Surely this was a long meeting. There were after all 12 of them. Had they accomplished all that was asked of them? Had they followed all his instructions? Had they spoken out of turn sometimes? Had they doubted His power in their lives? Had they failed sometimes due to lack of faith and their unbelief? Had they been good witnesses in the households they stayed with? Did they resent the task that they were asked to do? Too big for them? Felt alone and fearful? Homesick?...