My friend and Ministry Director Ruth, recently asked me what I was reading and I was embarrassed to admit that I had lost my love for reading books. Seems like I start a book, get to the first chapter, lose interest and never pick it up again. I have so many of these casualties on my book shelf. I decided to make a change this summer and picked up a book that she handed me, #struggles Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World by Craig Groeschel. The subject of this book is the influence and control that technology has on our lives. It highlights our addiction to our devices, the resulting dissatisfaction and idolatry that this creates, and how we must and can regain control of our use of social media for the glory of God and for our good. The author starts with the topic of contentment and how we compare our lives to our friends’ Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram posts and how this leaves us with a nagging and constant feeling of disconte...