It is over six months that I started this journey on my blog. And this past month I hit a bend in the road. It seemed like I was going nowhere - like the journey had somehow stopped abruptly. My husband, the most solid dependable person in my life, had been hit by a strange malady (for want of a better word). The doctors had no answers. I did the only thing that I know to do best, or so I thought - I prayed without ceasing. God showed us His power and grace by healing him and I rejoiced, but after a few days it came back. This is when I found myself at that bend. I pleaded with God, questioned Him, wept, bargained, made promises...Nothing happened and the bend seemed a dead end. The road got hard and bumpy. It seemed like the joy had left our home. This is when I began to take a hard look at my faith. How do I respond when God does not answer my prayers the way I want them? Why is it so much easier to say He is good when things are going my way? When I realised that I was ...