My darling Baby D, It is Christmas morning and I am sitting by the fire, thinking of you. Today is a Christmas day like no other. It is the year 2020 and you will surely hear and read much about this year. Your history books will record this year. It the year that a pandemic swept across the whole world. It is also the year you were born. It is the year God answered our prayers. We had prayed and waited for many years for you to come. God chose the time of your birth and decided how you would enter our home and our hearts. He gave us you! I cannot describe the emotions I had when I first saw you. You were curled up in your mama's arms. So very tender, soft, sweet, fragile, trusting, small, very small and oh so beautiful. We all fell in love with you on first sight - your grandma, auntie and uncle. I have a funny picture of us all just staring at you as you lay on your mat. We passed you arou...