My Papa – affectinately known as Dr. Vixalo, almost 97 years old now, with his mind still as sharp as a tack, was born, raised and lived all his life (except the last 13 years) in Portuguese India. I have many memories of him and one that came to my mind recently was his Medicine Basket.
As a general practitioner, my Dad would have many visits from medical reps. As a little girl I would love to dig into his briefcase to find the promotional materials that he would bring home – pens, key chains etc. But in addition to these, he would also bring home free samples of drugs. These got thrown into The Medicine Basket. Every day after every meal we went through a ritual. The Basket was brought to the table and my Dad looked into it and looked at each one of us and decided what we needed. If he had heard me sneeze even once, I took an antihistamine. The maid was called and again her share of medication too. Sometimes he would give us a pill and say it was “just in case...”
I laugh now and remember how many times I walked around in a “delightful state of numbness” because of all the anti allergy drugs I had swallowed. Could it be that my Dad took his role as the physician so seriously that he felt the need to keep us medicated all the time? Sometimes in anticipation of what might come. Just in case...
This past week I was reflecting on Jesus – Our great physician. Of course there is no just in case... with Him. His word tells us that He “...created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb”. Psalm 139:13. So He actually knows exactly what we need and He gives it to us at exactly the right time, in the right dosage. No drowsy side effects with His medication.
For the last couple of months, I have felt the need for medication – not the kind that came out of my Dad’s Medicine Basket. My Great Physician stepped in and started handing it out.
I can witness to a relentless pursuit of a loving God. In Isaiah 65:24 God says: Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.
His timing is perfect. He has not let go of me. Every which way I turn, I encounter strong reminders of His love. His Basket is full of the right drugs – Love John 3:16, Security Psalm 37:25, Rest Jeremiah 31:25 Strength Philippians 4:13, Joy Psalm 128:1 Courage Joshua 1:9 Comfort Psalm 34:18. The list goes on and on.
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