So I just came back from a lovely weekend getaway with my husband. My favourite holiday destination - a room everlooking the Niagara Falls. Oh the joy of waking up and seeing the amazing falls. I am always amazed at the never ending flow of water. It keeps coming and coming... You cannot but think of God and His Hand in creation. In my finite mind, that only holds limited possibilities and limited resources, I keep expecting the water from the river to dry up, but it doesn't and hasn't for the last so many, many years. Somewhat like God's grace. It keeps coming and coming. There is no end to it and the source never runs dry. I have been witness of His abundant grace even in these days. His Word, alive and true - my daily sustenance, phone calls and emails from caring friends, coffee appointments, times of prayer, facebook notifications! a wonderful family, food on the table, good health, a song on the radio, my Bible Study... It keeps coming and coming, just like the Niagara Falls!
We also visited the butterfly conservatory. WOW! We heard the story of the Monarch butterfly and how it travels 4000 kms to warmer climes every year. How can anyone say there is no God? Who has given the monarch the gps to to go to Mexico? And how does it know to expect warmer temperatures there? Only God- the Master Designer. The story of the Monarch butterfly greatly inspired me. Just as it has started it's flight this month with one goal and destination in mind, totally trusting and expecting to reach there, I am going to start my journey trusting that the navigator of the monarch's life is going to lead me for the Bible tells me, that I am "worth more than many sparrows." Matthew10:34 10:34
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Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens...? Job 38:37 |
Beautiful Inspiration Joslyn! Thank you for sharing.