I have slackened from writing for a while, because of some major distractions this past week. I can justify a lot of distractions in my life. They are urgent, too big, only I can sort these issues, left to anyone else it will never get done, I must attend to them asap, think about them, talk about them, in short I can get so easily and convincingly distracted.
God has been challenging me again. The title of today’s sermon was “Stop Distraction...Start Devotion.” The passage was Luke 10:38-42. The Story of Martha and Mary. I have to be honest in that I so easily identify with Martha. For years, while the family was younger and I chose to be the stay at home mom, I resented being the only one who noticed that housework had to be done. Nobody else seemed to care or notice. It was important wasn’t it? Only to me it seemed. You know the saying if you want some quiet time, do the dishes!!The story of Martha and Mary is so familiar, but today I got a fresh perspective as never before. To start with Martha wanted Jesus to visit but she wanted to make sure that all the preparations were done well. She could do with some help from her sister who just sat at Jesus’ feet. Martha was honest about her feelings, very important in our relationship with Jesus. She complained openly to Him. Jesus’ response – gracious and gentle, “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
What were the many things that Martha was upset about? Was Martha worried about her reputation as a hostess? Was she known for her great parties? Or was she a bad cook, who was feeling harried lest she burn the meal? Was she envious of the choices her sister had made? Did she not understand the peace that sitting at Jesus’ feet brings? Did she really appreciate Jesus for who He is? Had she not heard how He multiplied the fish and loaves? Did she think she could win favour with God by her culinary expertise?
So what are the many things that distract you? Are you trying to build an identity outside of God, by being so busy with service that you fail to grasp at the one thing that Mary had chosen. Are you living a life that is a mile wide and an inch deep? Has your identity been in what you have done instead of what has been done for you by God. Do you at any time think you can win favour with God? David puts it well in Psalm 51:16-17 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
As I sit at the feet of Jesus and spend quality time with Him reading and studying His Word, praying, enjoying His Creation, fellowshipping with the people He sends my way, I am learning what it means to chose the one thing and not worry about the many things. My house is not the tidiest place, but who cares? Not my loving family anyway. I have to admit it is a struggle- gmail and facebook my biggest distractions, beckon. But I am going to make that choice for the One Thing.
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