Dear Reader: With my daughter’s permission I am sharing the testimony she gave this past Sunday of God’s faithfulness to us. To Him be the glory and praise and power forever. On Tuesday July 23 rd I received an email from Maureen McCullough informing me that I had been chosen to be one of the recipients of the McCullough bursary. I was so grateful and thankful to receive this small piece of good news…something that I felt had been lacking in my life for the past few months…good news. I continued to read Maureen’s email only to learn that The Bursary was established in 1997 to honour the memory of three members of the McCullough family who lost their lives in a tragic car accident. All three were involved in teaching in the Ontario public school system and devoted to making a difference in the lives of children. After reading this email I was overcome with emotion. One week before the deadline to submit my bursary application on a similar Tuesday morning, Tuesday...