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The Lord ...upholds the widow and the fatherless Ps.146:9

Dear Reader: With my daughter’s permission I am sharing the testimony she gave this past Sunday of God’s faithfulness to us. To Him be the glory and praise and power forever.

On Tuesday July 23rd I received an email from Maureen McCullough informing me that I had been chosen to be one of the recipients of the McCullough bursary. I was so grateful and thankful to receive this small piece of good news…something that I felt had been lacking in my life for the past few months…good news. I continued to read Maureen’s email only to learn that

The Bursary was established in 1997 to honour the memory of three members of the McCullough family who lost their lives in a tragic car accident. All three were involved in teaching in the Ontario public school system and devoted to making a difference in the lives of children.

After reading this email I was overcome with emotion. One week before the deadline to submit my bursary application on a similar Tuesday morning, Tuesday May 7th to be exact, I did not receive an email with good news…instead my mum and I received a call…a phone call that would drastically change our lives. We received news that my father had not reached work, and after much confusion we learned that there had been an accident on the 404 – 4 cars, 1 motor cycle…my father had been airlifted to Sunnybrooke hospital…and so began the nightmare. Waiting and praying was all we did that day, surrounded by the body of believers. But that evening, God chose in His Sovereignty to take my papa home to Glory. Since then my life has been about clinging to faith, clinging to what I know about God’s love even if I didn’t always feel it. But everytime I felt anger welling up inside of me, or doubts over the power of God – I felt Him gently remind me of His love, and faithfulness. Maureen McCullough’s email was one of these reminders. The night before receiving this email I could feel myself sinking – sinking into a dark place of despair, and that morning when all I could do was numbly get out of bed was when I received the email. Who but God would grant me a bursary that was founded in memory of a tragic car accident that took the lives of three members of the McCullough family. My mum, sister, and I had been feeling so lonely in our journey of mourning but this email was a reminder that we were not alone.
Paul had said in Romans 8 “For I consider that the suffering of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it in hope, that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” I am so thankful that I know that my papa is free from this world in the arms of His Savior fully worshiping Him. I am thankful that I am assured of salvation because Jesus Christ died for my sins, even though I was still sinful He made a way for me to have a relationship with Him. He took on my sins and changed my heart to accept Him as Lord and Savior and He used my father to lead me to this truth. I know that my father would want me to use this opportunity to encourage all of you to stand firm in your faith and press on toward the upward calling, and if there are some of you who are here today who don’t know Jesus Christ please know that Jesus is calling you to Him – He desires for you to know Him…something I have learned in all of this is that life is so temporary and that we can only have the hope of eternal life with Jesus Christ if we turn from our sins and follow Him. Please do not turn away from His calling.

Lastly I want to say thank you – thank you for starting this bursary, thank you for investing in students like myself, and thank you for your faithfulness in this ministry. My desire is to use the money you have given me to invest into my career – not just for my teaching profession but to be light in the classroom and to continue what my Papa, and Mr. McCullough were living for – Jesus Christ.



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