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"I form the light and create darkness..." Isaiah 45:7

The dark days of winter that I was dreading have arrived. It is dark outside and dark inside my soul. The pain does not seem to lessen - in fact as reality hits, it gets harder. I long for his touch, the sound of his voice, his caring smile - the one that got my heart racing the very first time we met. In some ways the road is lonelier now than when it first happened.
Spurgeon describes it well, "There are seas of suffering that the sufferer must navigate alone. No other sail is in sight. Scan the horizon and nothing is seen but wave after wave."
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley..." Psalm 23. the Psalmist talks of walking, not running. It is a slow and painful walk for sure. You lose your balance - some days you lose it and it seems like you will never make it. My heart broke when one of my girls looked at me and with pain in her eyes said, "What is going to become of us mama? Are we going to make it?" Honestly I don't think we can make it, we are too weak and vulnerable - but for God.
And so once again I turn to the only Person who will and can see us make it - My Lord Jesus Christ.
My walk has turned into a painful upward crawl from the abyss that I found myself in over the last 2 weeks. Grief refuses to be hurried - there is no quick fix or way around it. It haunts me and is a constant companion.
Loved one are you carrying a burden that is too heavy for you? Are you aching like I am, fearful of the future, questioning your lot? wondering if you will "make it"?

"I form the light and create darkness..." Isaiah 45:7 
He is well aware of how dark it is looking for you and me. He formed the darkness, He allowed it. Never forget that He is Creator, He is Sovereign. He is God.

"Though the Lord gave you adversity for food
    and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you.
    You will see your teacher with your own eyes.
21 Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left." Isaiah 30:20-21 (NLT)

These are His own words to you and me.  Perhaps He created the darkness so we would hear and see Him like we never have. Oh what a privilege to "see" Him with your own eyes and to be able to "hear" His voice instructing us in the way we should go.

Lord you are so gracious. In my darkest hour I can hear you loudest. I know that you are right behind me. Though you allowed this darkness to fall on me, you are with me. You will not let my foot stumble or fall. You will open a way where there is none in sight, You will guide me in these very unfamiliar and scary paths and you will turn my darkness into light. Even when I wander away and tiptoe to the edge of despair, you will uphold and lead me and nothing, nothing will ever separate me from your love. I praise you and thank you even when I am so weary I can barely whisper " I trust you Lord."



  1. Beautifully written and I like what you brought out Joslyn. "I form the light and create darkness..." Isaiah 45:7
    He is well aware of how dark it is looking for you and me. He formed the darkness, He allowed it. Never forget that He is Creator, He is Sovereign. He is God.


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