This is my daughter's journey of faith as she presented it to the women of our church. I guess I’ll start with the question of the evening, which is: "Where would you be if not for Christ's Redemption?" I have to say that: "I would have been separated from God, enslaved by a false sense of entitlement, but instead I’m boasting in the Cross" John Piper once wrote: “ For there is no greater joy, than joy in the greatness of God. And if we must suffer to see this and savour it most deeply, then suffering is a mercy. ” As many of you know, last year in the month of May my dad was involved in a tragic motor vehicle accident. I’ll never forget the phone call I received, and the day will forever remain one of the darkest days of my entire life. I have never cried out to God so much, for anyone, or anything....only to find out that the answer was a resounding “no”. I never had the chance to say goodbye or to prepare myself for the stark new reali...